Showing all 30 results
8800031 Four Birds In Dome Glass Case ( H 53cm x 39 x 12 )
8800030 Jay Bird In Glass Case With Wooden Frame / Wall Hanging ( H 45cm x 33 x 21 )
8800029 Stuffed Pike ( 31cm x 100 )
8800028 Stuffed Pike ( H 47cm x 122 )
8800027 Pike In Wood And Glass Cabinet ( H 54cm x 138 x 32 )
8800026 Small Animal Skeleton ( H 28cm x 40 x 19 )
8800025 Pheasant In Glass Box ( H 51cm x 70 x 21 )
8800024 Stoat ( H 32cm x 66 )
8800023 Fox ( H 32cm x 80 )
8800022 Alligator ( 122cm long )
8800021 Distressed Squirrel
8800020 Squirrel ( H 31cm x 23 )
8800019 Mock Owls ( H 50cm )
8800018 Bird In Glass Box ( H 33cm x 29 x 14 )
8800017 Distressed Bird ( H 38cm )
8800016 Mock Cow Head
8000085 Box Of Rats Mock !
8800015 Black And Glass Boxes With Encased Animal Parts (4″ X 3″)(6″ X 7.5″)
8800014 Insects In Box
8800013 Mounted Wild Boar Head
8800012 Mounted Deer Head
8800011 Mounted Antelope Head
8800010 Bird Wings And Feathers (Box 14″ X 9″)(Wing 16″)(Fetaher 21″)
8800008 Weasel On Branch
8800007 Sparrowhawk Bird Of Prey ( H 38cm x 30 x 25 )
8800006 Kingfishers On Branch In Glass Case ( H 40cm x 51 x 14 )
8800005 Snake/Python Animal
1010003 Stuffed Bird 510X700X200
1010002 Stuffed Bird 360X300X250
1010001 Stuffed Bird 330X290X140