Gauges / Dials / Scopes / Levers
Showing all 58 resultsSorted by latest
0318046 Gauge Panel ( H 65 cm x 50 ) x 1 off
0318045 Gauge Panel ( H 37 cm x 59 x 10 ) x 1 off
0089217 Various Small Accessories From Yacht Control Room Dressing
0089216 Set Of Small Gauges From Yacht ( Dia 10cm ) x 2 off / ( Dia 5.5cm ) x 4 off
0318044 Lever ( H 10cm x 43 x 15 )
6810088 Gauge Panel ( H 55cm x 32 x 22 )
0318043 Gauges In Leather Case ( H 9cm x 30 x 15 )
0318042 Wooden Panel With 3 Gauges ( H 26cm x 42 ) x 1off
0318041 Volt Meter x 2
0327018 Ampere Indicators x 4
0318039 Gauges x 2
0318038 Gauges x 2
0318037 Various Gauges x 11
0318036 Gauges ( Dia 19cm ) x 3
0318035 Compound Gauge ( H 26cm x 15 x 10 )
0318034 Combinations Dials x 3
0318033 Gauge ( Dia24cm )
0318032 Heading System Device ( 17cm x 13 x 10 )
0318031 Switchgear Terminal ( 10cm x 20 x 10 ) x 2
0318030 Digital Gauges ( 10cm x 10 x 11 ) x 2
0318029 Indicators x 3
0318028 Small Gauge On Wooden Board x 8
0318027 Indicating Device ( 13cm x 10 x 16 )
0318026 Environmental Comparator ( 24cm x 12 x 14 )
0318025 Indicator ( 14cm x 15 x 16 )
0318024 Small Indicators x 5
0318023 Gauges
0318022 Various Insert Gauges x 20
0318021 Gauge
0318020 Distressed Gauges x 4
0318019 Insert Gauges x 4
0318018 Assorted Insert Gauges x 10
0318017 Various Surface Gauges x 8
0318016 Volt Meter ( 20cm x 8 x 10 )
0318015 Milli – Amperes Meter ( 15cm x 14 x 16 )
0318014 Small AM Indicator ( 10cm x 12 x 5 )
0318013 Volt Meter ( 19cm x 19 x 10 )
0318012 Indicator ( 15cm x 12 x 13 )
0318011 Small Ampere Indicator ( 10cm x 10 x 6 )
0318010 Small Gauge ( 12cm x 8 )
0318009 Small Gauge ( 10cm x 11 x 11 )
0318008 Small Indicator ( 16cm x 11 x 5 )
0318007 Portable Colorimeter ( 29 x 14 x 15 )
0318006 Circuit Magnification Meter And Oscillator ( 35cm x 58 x 24 ) x 3
0318005 Magnification Meter ( 35cm x 32 x 24 )
0318004 Gauge ( 35cm x 26 x 25 )
0318003 Signal Operator Device ( 35cm x 48 x 58 )
0318001 Gauge Device ( 32cm x 16 x 12 ) x 2 off
0045141 Assorted Volt Meters (Av. 5″)
0045138 Volt Meter(5″ X 5″) X3
0045135 Small Round Gauge With Mirror Face (6″ X 9″)
0045040 Switchgear Storage Oscilloscope Unit
0045030 Switchgear Monitors Video Entry X3Non Prac
0045029 Switchgear Monitor X2 Non Prac 150X160X320
0045028 Switchgear Monitor Non Prac 260X280X380
0045027 Switchgear Monitor Non Prac 150X210X240
0045025 Switchgear Monitor 160X160X360
0045019 Switchgear Hitachi Oscilloscope ( H 18cm x 37 x 48 )