Showing all 65 resultsSorted by latest
Assorted (38)
Blinds (6)
Gold Damask (13)
Gold Taffeta (2)
Red Velvet (3)
Rods / Fixtures (3)
0098008 Glitter Silver Bead Curtains / Available In Various Sizes
0059010 Antique Pelmet / Wood ( H 20.5 cm x 161 x 58 ) x 1 off
1070072 Gilt Fibre Glass Curved Pelmet
0098007 Green Roller Blinds ( H 220cm x 120 ) x 6off
0098066 Brown Roller Blinds ( H 220cm x 120 ) x 6off
0098005 Walk Through Chain Curtain ( H 220cm approx x 100cm ) x 2 off
0040136 Stage Princess Drapes / Brown Velvet ( H 350cm x 200 ) x 1 off / Matching Drapes No 0040131 and 0040132
0040135 Dark Gold Taffeta Curtains ( H 275cm x 140 ) x 1 pair
0040134 Green Velvet Curtains / Faded ( H 165cm x 110 ) x 1 pair
0040133 Gold Taffeta Curtains ( H 225cm x 120 ) x 2 pairs
0040132 Brown Velvet Stage Princess Drape ( H 350cm x 335 ) x 1off / Matching Drape No 0040131 and 0040136
0040131 Brown Velvet Stage Princess Drape ( H 350cm x 500 ) x 1off / Matching Drape No 0040132 and 0040136
0040130 Pair Of Dark Red Floral Curtains ( H 240cm x 140 / each )
0040129 Pair Of Patterned Curtains ( H 120cm x 135 / each )
0040128 Leaves Patterned Curtains / Unlined / Pencil Pleat ( H 140cm x 95 / each ) x 2 pairs
0040127 Green Velvet Pelmet Swags For Stage Drapes No 0040126 / Lined ( H 235cm x 240 / each ) x 4off
0040126 Pair Of Green Velvet Drapes / Matching Pelmet Swags No 0040125 and 0040127 ( H 360cm x 115 / each )
0040125 Green Velvet Pelmet Swags For Stage Drapes No 0040126 ( H 260cm x 315 / each ) x 3off
0040124 Green Velvet Drapes ( H 380cm x 100 / each ) x 2 pairs
0040122 Pair Of Green Yellow Patterned Curtains / Lined / Pencil Pleat ( H 280cm x 105 / each )
0040121 Pair Of Green Velvet Curtains / Unlined / Pencil Pleat ( H 270cm x 150 / each )
0040120 Pair Of Green Curtains With Gold Pattern ( 215cm x 100 / each )
0059009 Gold Ornate Pelmet ( 95cm x 51 ) x7 / Matching Gold Caryatids And Mirrors (0070076) /
0098004 Bead Door Curtain
0098003 Bamboo Screen 1960H X 800W
0098002 Window Blinds Assorted
0040113 500 Wf X 1950Mm Drop X3 Blue Velour Drape Centre Fringing Lined Gold Rings Pair
0040112 White Cotton Curtain Lining With Ties 9200X3300Mm
0040109 4600 Without Fullness X2450Mm Drop X4 Brown Velour Pair No Fixings Curved End
0040103 3980 Wof X 7020Mm Drop Silver Velour Drape With Ties Yellow Staining
0040096 960 With Fullness X 760Mm Drop Khaki Gold Velour Curtain Gold Curtain Rings X12
0040093 1300X2840Mm Drop Green Brown Striped Velour Centre Fringe Gold Hooks Lined Pair
0040092 Velvet Striped Plum Fabric Piece Finished On One Side 7000X2600Mm
0040091 1100 Wof X 1750Mm Drop Floral Pattern Wtih Centre Fringe Drape Pair Dirty Hem
0040090 1800 Without Fullness X 4400Mm Drop Aged Cream Drape Scht
0040089 1000 Wfx3400Mm Drop Scht Blue Velour Lined Slashing 5 Piecs Legs Tails And Swags
0040088 1000 Wfx3400Mm Drop Scht Blue Velour Lined 5 Pieces Legs Tails And Swags
0040087 800 Wf X 2900Mm Drop Gold Flower Pattern Curtain 2 Pairs Scht Good Condition
0040083 1200 Wofx2700Mm Green Striped Velvet Side Fringe Pair Dirty Gold Clips
0040082 1200 Wof X 2700Mm Green Striped Velvet Side Fringe Pair Clean Gold Clips
0040076 2200 Wfs X 3600Mm Drop Red Velvet Drapes Black Ties Chain Weighted Double Sided
0040072 1200 Without Fullness X 1300Mm Drop Yellow Striped Curtain Scht
0040071 1200 Wof X 2800Mm Drop Green Velour Drape Fringe Pair Gold Hooks Light Fading
0040070 1900 Without Fullness X 1000Mm Drop Red Brown Striped Curtain Pair Curtain Wire
0040065 500 With Fullness X 3500Mm Drop Gold Baroque Drape Scht Unlined
0040064 1200 Wof X 3200 Gold Baroque Drapes Lined Fringe Pencil Pleat Pair
0040063 1200 Without Fullness X 3200Mm Drop Gold Baroque Drapes Pair Pencil Pleat
0040043 6400 X 5600Mm Drop Pair Gold Foil Scht
0040042 6100 Without Fullness X 6100Mm Drop Pair Gold Foil Scht
0040041 1000 Wf X 3400Mm Drop Scht Blue Velour Lined 5 Piece Set Legs Tails And Swags
0040040 1100 Wf X 4250 Drop Scht Old Gold Damask Heavily Distressed With Fringe Pair
0040038 2800 X 4200 Drop Pair Gold Silk Damask Unlined Unfinished Fringe One Side Scht
0040037 2700 X 4100Mm Drop Pair Gold Silk Damask Double Sided Fringed Distressec Scht
0040036 2000 X 4100Mm Drop X 2 Pairs Gold Silk Damask With Fringe Distressed Scht
0040035 2000 X 4100Mm Drop Gold Silk Damask With Fringe Distressed Single Sided Scht
0040034 1400 Without Fullness X3600Mm Drop Pair Old Gold Damask Good Condition
0040032 2000 Wf X 4000Mm Drop Double Sided Gold Silk One Side Distressed
0040031 2700 Without Fullness X 4800Mm Drop Pair Of Distressed Fringes Gold Damask
0040028 7’4″X8″ Drop Red X3 Eyes+Ties Yellow/Gold Rope Fringe
0040027 7’5″X9’6″Drop Longest Tail Point 8′ Red Velvet Yellow/Gold Rope Fringe Pair
0040012 Drapes Silk Gold Damask 3 Pairs. Each Pair Meausres 4100Dx1800Mm
0040010 Drapes Gold Silk Damask Detail Distressed
0040008 Drapes Gold Damask Fringed Double Sided Reverse
0040007 Drapes Gold Damask Fringed Sided 4600 Drop X 2400Mm Wide Each Leg
0040005 Drapes Gold Damask 1 Pair Each Drape Measures 2400Wf X 4600Mm Drop