Whilst using a professional props supplier is a very key part of your work as a props master, there is, of course, a large amount of making, mending and restyling that needs to be done. Here at Stockyard Props, we know the pressures that props professionals face every day. To make thing a little easier, we have put together some great shortcuts to useful sites, and a few freebie downloads which you might find handy.
As well as these free resources, remember that nothing makes up for dealing with experienced professionals. We have decades of experience in the trade, and are only too happy to advise you on any props you need to hire or source. If you need help with period details for your set, we are experts on getting things right. Just call us and we’ll be delighted to chat informally – or you can drop in for a wander around if you prefer.
Useful sites and tutorials
There are so many of these that sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. We’ve looked at all of the sites we recommend here with a professional eye, and think we have found some of the best.
Instructables.com is an invaluable place to pick up tips on how to make just about anything. Have a trawl through and see what you can find.
Sometimes it’s good to get back to basics. This site has some very clear tutorials if you’re feeling rusty.
Papier Mâché
This is a very comprehensive site for tutorials about using Papier Mâché. Lots of ideas and inspiration for model makers.
Customising Props
If you need to change the look of a prop, then you will need plenty of skills in order to get it right. Here are just a few to get you going:
Adding rust to your props
Weathering Props
Special Effects
Internet Movie Firearms Database
This is clearly run by completests. You will find every weapon used in every film production ever made.
Medical History
The Science Museum hosts a searchable permanent collection.
Pinterest Boards
Make full use of Pinterest when researching looks. It’s an invaluable resource. Check out these Pinterests boards for inspiration on:
Just so useful for every period you need to research. The Learning Resources Centre is a superb.
Deviant Art is really useful site for inspiring your set design. Some generous artists have provided free downloadable artwork for you to print off and use.
More Free Stuff
Justsomethingimade.com is a brilliant site for ideas and the owner, Cathe Holden, is always giving away amazing resources. You will find DIY tutorials. Here are just a few of the downloads you can get from her Freebies Page.
Cathe has everything from adverts, font samples, bookplates, book covers, and a whole lot of other stuff we’ve never even heard of. Great online resource.